That country, however, in whose cargoes there is the greatest proportion of native, and the least of foreign goods, will always be the principal gainer. 但是,国产商品占交换品最大部分而外国货物占交换品最小部分的国家,总是主要的利得者。
At the same time, the national consciousness on development of native goods enhanced rapidly. 同时,社会在发展土货问题上国家意识日渐增强。
Native Packaging, Design of Wilson Sporting Goods Wilson体育用品的本土化包装设计
Author analyzed the numbers and kinds of goods that the villagers consume cause effect on the native environment in which the villagers live in drinking and eating, clothing, energy, modern goods and the idea of consumption. 论文分别从饮食、服装、能源和现代消费品和消费观念等方面,就消费品的数量、种类变化对村民生活造成的环境的影响作了分析。
This shows that the visual design of native packaging the sale of goods plays an important role. 由此可见土特产包装的视觉设计对商品的销售具有举足轻重的作用。